Esplora il delizioso CECI Lambrusco IGT Otello Oro bottiglia dalla capacità di 75 cl. Prodotta con uve di alta qualità, questa bevanda offre un gusto intenso e fruttato che delizierà il palato. Con una gradazione alcolica del 9%, è perfetta per accompagnare i pasti o per un brindisi speciale.
Monk Fruit is a small sub-tropical melon that grows in the remote mountains of Southern China. It is also known as Luo Han Guo. The fruit has a delicious sweet taste. Even though you can eat the fruit itself as a delicious snack, the fruit is often used for its extract. Monk Fruit extract is used as an ingredient for Traditional Chinese Medicine, and as a natural sweetener for a variety of foods and beverages. The Monk Fruit extract can be used as juice concentrate or powder. The Monk Fruit extract is nearly 300 times sweeter than sugar.
CAS No:88901-36-4
"Oorsprong Himalaya Kristalzout
Dit kristalzout is afkomstig uit de zoutketen in Pakistan. De zoutketen behoort geologisch, maar niet geografisch tot het Himalaya massief. Himalaya kristalzout is een natuurlijk tafelzout van ongeveer 250 miljoen jaar oud. Zonder chemische toevoegingen en/of vloeimiddelen en gewonnen zoals het al honderden jaren gebeurt.Het Himalaya Kristalzout heeft zich meer dan 250 miljoen jaar geleden gevormd tijdens de verdwijning van de oorspronkelijke oceaan. Het wordt met de hand geoogst op de Tibetaanse hoogvlaktes. Vroeger werd het zout uit de Himalaya ook wel “zout van de koning” genoemd, omdat het zout van zeer hoge kwaliteit alleen aan de plaatselijke adel verkocht werd. De roze kleur komt van de mineralen die het zout heeft opgenomen zoals natriumchloride, magnesium en calcium.
Dit Himalayazout is fijn kristalzout dat ongeraffineerd is en alle goede eigenschappen die zout bezit nog heeft. De meeste zouten die op de markt verkrijg…"
Red Vinegar can be used for cooking, baking and as a dressing on food, or salads, even in a marinade. Its is believed to have heart health benefits – including hypertension, and helping to control blood sugar in individuals with Type 2 diabetes.
ingredients: 6% acidity, contains sulfites.
Quality: for food
Processed plant part: root
Extracting agent: ethyl acetate, ethanol & water
Carrier: none
Scientific name: Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb.Et Zucc., Fallopia japonica
Our products are sold in bulk. There is a minimum order quantity of 25kg for most of our products. Samples can be provided.
Plants2Market is also BIO, HACCP and DIN EN ISO 9001 certified.
We also offer the following products:
Field bean
Field horsetail
African black bean
Alpha lipoic acid
Beta Glucan
ORGANIC Birch leaf
ORGANIC Brazilian almond
ORGANIC Broccoli
ORGANIC Chlorella
ORGANIC Cranberry
ORGANIC Barley grass
ORGANIC Grapefruit
ORGANIC Blueberry
ORGANIC Hedgehog spikenard
ORGANIC Knotted kelp
ORGANIC Turmeric
ORGANIC Dandelion
Il glutine di frumento idrolizzato si ottiene dalla farina di frumento. Nel processo, la proteina del glutine viene separata dall'amido di frumento. Questa proteina viene idrolizzata enzimaticamente in piccole proteine e peptidi solubili prima dell'essiccazione.
Il glutine di frumento idrolizzato ha una durata di conservazione di 2 anni. Il prodotto deve essere conservato in magazzini asciutti e freschi senza accesso a fonti di calore o acqua.
Foodcom fornisce ai suoi partner commerciali glutine di frumento idrolizzato in sacchi da 20-25 kg, big bag o camion alla rinfusa.
Pain d'épices au miel et aux fruits secs 13 % (raisins secs, abricots, amandes, noix, noisettes) emballé en film transparent. Poids net 250 g. Fort pourcentage de miel : 25 %. Riche de 2 céréales : le froment et le seigle.
Autres conditionnements VRAC et SACHETS : 125g, 250g, 500g, 1 kg, 5 kg - La Noix Brisures VIJAYA vous permet d'agrémenter vos préparations culinaires en toute simplicité.
La Farina di Sorgo Bio Gluten Free è un prodotto biologico di alta qualità ottenuto dalla macinazione dei chicchi di sorgo. Questa farina è certificata biologica e priva di glutine il che la rende adatta a coloro che seguono una dieta senza glutine o che hanno intolleranze alimentari. Il sorgo è un cereale antico che ha una storia millenaria. Originario dell’Africa è stato coltivato per secoli in diverse parti del mondo grazie alla sua adattabilità a climi e terreni diversi. Oggi il sorgo è diventato un ingrediente ampiamente utilizzato nella cucina internazionale grazie alle sue incredibili proprietà nutrizionali. La Farina di Sorgo Bio Gluten Free è una ricca fonte di vitamine e minerali. Può essere utilizzata per preparare una vasta gamma di piatti dalla pasta al pane dai dolci alle pietanze salate. La sua consistenza morbida e il sapore leggermente dolce la rendono adatta per la preparazione di deliziose torte, biscotti, pancakes e molto altro ancora.
Récolté en France, notre miel est un produit 100% naturel respectueux des traditions françaises et de l’environnement. Avec sa robe claire, son goût est unique, floral et légèrement acidulé, lui permettant de s’associer aussi bien avec des boissons chaudes que des yaourts.
Agriculture bio
Idéale pour la santé
Récolte française
Pot de 250g net
Ingrédients : Miel de printemps bio 100%
Conseils d’utilisation :Une cuillerée à café par jour, de préférence le matin
UGS : Miel-eteCatégories : coté ruche, gamme bio
Vertus et bénéfices :
100% naturel
Respect de l’environnement
Récolté en France
Extrait à froid
label bio
Sac poissonnerie polypro
dimensions:360 x 200 x 270 mm
grammage:160 g/m²
matière:100% polypropylène tissé
détails:2 anses courtes en polypropylène tressé
6 flavours:
Japanese classic, Japanese chicken teriyaki, Japanese beef wasabi, Japanese curry, Korean Barbecue, Chicken Pad Thai.
Discover the authentic explosion of flavor with our instant yakisoba-style noodles in convenient cup packaging. Crafted with high-quality ingredients and an exquisite texture, highly appreciated by customers.
With quick and easy preparation, they are ideal for enjoying as a quick lunch at work or as a comforting dinner at home. Their authentic flavor will leave you craving more with every bite.
Enjoy a variety of delicious flavors, such as classic Japanese, Japanese teriyaki chicken, Japanese wasabi beef, Japanese curry, Korean barbecue, and Pad Thai chicken. Each box contains 22 packs of ramen, and our packaging is available in various languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Dutch, and Croatian
We are European top baby food formula distributor. Contact For Details. Top Quality Milk & Dairy.
Top Quality Baby Food. We Ship Worldwide.
Making the right feeding choices for you and your baby. With over 25 years of experience in baby nutrition, our passionate team of over 50 paediatricians, nutritionists and scientists, continue to take inspiration from the benefits of nature, to develop our unique formulas, tailored to support your baby's nutritional needs at every stage of development.
Contact us for details on our Milk and infant food products .
C’est un détergent alcalin concentré, non moussant, à teneur élevée en chlore actif. Le produit permet de nettoyer en profondeur et de désinfecter l’intérieur des citernes alimentaires (transport de lait, jus, chocolat, etc.).
Vous gérez une boutique de CBD, ou une boutique bien-être / bio ? Si vous recherchez de bons produits à proposer à votre clientèle, les bonbons Bourgeons de Pin et CBD signés Hemeka, sont proposés à la vente en gros sur notre plateforme. Des bonbons sous forme de pastilles à sucer, qui dévoilent d’agréables saveurs !
POIDS:120 g
ORIGINE BIOLOGIQUE:Partiellement biologique
Fairtrade is a label used worldwide that is committed to the establishment of, and compliance with, social, economic and ecological standards. Certified products, such as Fairtrade sugar, bear the Fairtrade label in the retail and wholesale trade. Fairly traded sugar contributes towards improving the living standards and working conditions of farming families in Latin American, Asian and African countries.
Bio-Açai-Pulver wird aus der Açaí-Beere (ausgesprochen: ah-sigh-ee) hergestellt. Eine kleine Beere, die im Herzen des Amazonas-Regenwaldes wächst. Bio-Açai-Pulver besteht zu 100 % aus der Frucht, die aus gefrorenem und gefriergetrocknetem Açai-Püree gewonnen wird.